Canadian Beats has 5 questions for me…

Canadian Beats asked me five questions about the past, the future, and my latest single:

“My Body Is” is my riot grrrl anthem for bodily autonomy.

The song is my attempt to disentangle a lifetime of mixed media messages and expectations on my female body – though I think anyone can relate to having a love/hate relationship with their body. It was written in the middle of the night during a long stretch of insomnia at a time when I was definitely NOT treating my body like a temple.

‘My Body Is’ is not just the latest single from her new album; it’s also one of 5 original songs featured in Devon More’s critically acclaimed stage show – Hits Like A Girl (premiered/toured in 2019)  – an immersive soundscape and poetic manifesto exploring the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury acquired in her early 20s that left her in an altered state of consciousness for years.

MY BODY IS. Now available on all streaming platforms - or direct from Devon!


MORE DRIVE (and playlisting) for ‘My Body Is’


Roadie Music reviews ‘My Body Is’